Friend Had A Baby? 5 Of The Best Eco-Friendly Gifts in 2023

Friend Had A Baby? 5 Of The Best Eco-Friendly Gifts in 2023

Friend Had A Baby? 5 Of The Best Eco-Friendly Gifts in 2023

Fewer things bring a group of friends or a family together, like the arrival of a new baby.

There are so many things to plan! When your friend has just announced that they are pregnant or that their partner is pregnant, you will likely go into overdrive, wanting to make sure that everything is perfect for when the new baby arrives and ensuring that your friend and their partner have everything that they need for a happy and healthy pregnancy, along with a happy delivery.

However, then comes the next big question; what do you get for them?

As a close friend, it can be tricky to know what the best option is for a gift for your friend's newborn baby. After all, newborns are known for growing out of things quickly, and you may not want your gift to be forgotten about or given away. You may want to get them something truly special, which is where this article can help, especially if you are looking for something unique or eco-friendly.

So, read on for five gift ideas that you can give to your friend for their baby, which they will love for years to come.


OK, so the obvious choice is a brand-new blanket. Whether it is knitted, crocheted, or just custom-made, your friend and their baby will likely love a new blanket.

However, you may be wondering how a new blanket is eco-friendly. Well, if you knitted or crocheted it yourself, then that will go down a treat and will be something that your friend will cherish for many years to come, as well as not kicking up lots of carbon in its creation.

Or, if you aren't great at knitting or crocheting, then you can still order a blanket to be custom-made for your friend's baby, all the while ensuring that it is second-hand by design. Indeed, you can now order baby blankets made from clothes, as well as have blankets made that are made from eco-sustainable materials like bamboo and responsibly sourced cotton. So, shop around!

Reusable Diapers

There has been a lot of focus in recent times on the wastefulness of disposable diapers.

A single diaper that is aimed at being used once has been estimated at taking 500 years to break down, so that's not a great gift idea if your friend is looking to minimize their eco-footprint.

Luckily, there are reusable nappies that you can buy for your friend and their baby. These have the advantage of being adjustable and, well, large, so they can be adapted as the baby grows. Great!


Babies love being held and cuddled, and research has found that they also benefit from physical contact with their caregivers. So, why not use this as a gift idea, and get your friend and their newborn some baby washes and oils? Babies love massages, and your friends will likely love the time that they spend doing this with their baby, as it helps to strengthen the bond that they will have. There are many brands of baby washes and lotions that are carbon neutral, so this can be a great gift idea.

Hair Locket

This is only really a good idea if the baby has hair!

However, if your friend's baby does have a luscious crop, then it is worth investing in a hair locket. Granted, this is more of a gift for your friends than the baby, but in years to come, they will be grateful to have that reminder of their baby's first haircut and will likely thank you for the gift.


Yes, it seems boring at first, but when your friend's baby starts to wean, they are quickly going to need a lot of sippy cups, spoons, and plates!

When it comes to choosing cutlery for your friend's new baby, aim to ensure that it comes from a reliable company that is either invested heavily into being carbon neutral or even makes their own cutlery using old-fashioned methods.

Indeed, there has been a surge in recent times in parents using wooden cutlery that has been heavily polished to feed their children, and this also has the added eco-friendly benefit of being biodegradable. That way, if any piece of the set should break, your friends can easily dispose of it without guilt or even toss it onto the compost heap!

Remember, try to gauge the amount that you spend on your friend's newborn and try not to overdo it or underdo it, as this can cause an array of issues. This is a special time in your friends' life, and it can be a great time to strengthen your friendship with them.